Gene Hackman’s Alzheimer’s diagnosis revealed following tragic death of actor and wife

Gene Hackman’s Alzheimer’s diagnosis revealed following tragic death of actor and wife

Late actor Gene Hackman was living with advanced Alzheimer’s disease before dying a week on from his wife.

It has been confirmed that the award-winning actor’s wife Betsy Arakawa, 65, passed away several days before her husband last month, with it revealed that Gene died in poor health with no food in his stomach.

A press conference was held earlier tonight (Friday afternoon, US time) regarding the tragic and mysterious deaths of Hollywood legend Gene and his wife, Betsy. The late couple’s respective cause of deaths were confirmed alongside a number of other heartbreaking details.

Gene and Betsy, who were found dead in their Santa Fe, New Mexico, home on February 26, 2025, left many unanswered questions surrounding the circumstances of their passing. Authorities provided an update on the ongoing investigation.

A press conference was held earlier today regarding the tragic and mysterious deaths of Hollywood legend Gene Hackman and his wife, Betsy Arakawa (Ron Galella Collection via Getty Images)
The couple were found dead in their Santa Fe, New Mexico, home on February 17, 2025
The couple were found dead in their Santa Fe, New Mexico, home on February 26, 2025 (Ron Galella Collection via Getty Images)

Two-time Oscar winner Gene died heart disease a week after his wife Betsy died of a rare infectious disease at their home, a pathologist said this evening. Dr Heather Jarrell, chief medical examiner for New Mexico, told the press conference in Santa Fe, New Mexico, US, it was “reasonable to conclude” that Ms Arakawa, also known as Betsy Hackman, 65, died of hantavirus pulmonary syndrome on February 11 at the couple’s home in Santa Fe.

Gene, aged 95, died a week later on February 18 of “hypertensive and atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, with Alzheimer’s disease as a significant contributory factor”, the expert said. It’s thought Gene could have been alive for a week with his late wife’s body in the house alongside him.

Dr Heather Jarrell said at the press conference: “Gene Hackman aged 95 years is hypertensive and cardiovascular disease with Alzheimer’s disease as a significant contributory factor autopsy examination and a full body post-mortem CT examination demonstrated no acute findings of internal or external trauma.

” It showed severe heart disease, including multiple surgical procedures involving the heart, evidence of prior heart attacks, and severe changes of the kidneys due to chronic high blood pressure. Examination of the brain showed advance Alzheimer’s disease, as well as blood vessel changes in the brain, secondary to chronic high blood pressure.

“Laboratory testing, performed at scientific laboratory division was negative for COVID-19 influenza and other common respiratory viruses, testing for Huntirus was negative testing for carbon monoxide was negative. Additionally, there were no autopsy findings concerning for Hontavirus infection”.

A press conference took place on Friday
The press conference answered a number of previously unanswered questions

She added: “I have been asked when death occurred for these individuals. There is no reliable scientific method to accurately determine the exact time or date of death. Mr. Hackman’s initial pacemaker data revealed cardiac activity on February 17. With subsequent pacemaker interrogation demonstrating an abnormal rhythm of aterial fibrillation on February 18, which was the last record of heart activity based on this information. it is reasonable to conclude that Mr. Hackman probably died around February 18”.

The press conference also revealed that Betsy Hackman passed away on February 11, 2025. She died from complications related to Hantavirus, which is transmitted through exposure to mouse excrement. The spokesperson added: “Based on the circumstances, it is reasonable to conclude that Ms Hackman passed away, first with February 11 being the last time that she was known to be alive. Lastly, clinically, Hantavirus infection is characterized by flu like symptoms consisting of fever, muscle aches, cough, sometimes vomiting and diarrhea that can progress to shortness of breath and cardiac or heart failure and lung failure.

” This occurs after a one to eight week exposure to excrement from a primarily particular mouse species that carries Hantavirus. The mortality of hantavirus, excuse me, the mortality rate of the Hantavirus strain in the Southwest is about 38 to 50% the Hantavirus strains in the United States are not transmissible from person to person, and so this is an appropriate time to segue to Dr Aaron Phipps, the state Public Health veterinarian with the New Mexico Department of Health. But before I do so, I’d like to kindly ask for everyone to please respect the privacy that Mr. Jean Hackman, Miss Betsy Hackman and their family and friends deserve. Thank you. “

Gene and Betsy was found dead, along with their dog, in their Santa Fe, New Mexico, home under puzzling circumstances, and authorities are expected to reveal further details on the investigation. Gene, 95, known for his iconic roles in The French Connection, Unforgiven, and Hoosiers, was found alongside his wife of over 30 years, Betsy, 65, and one of their dogs.

Their bodies were discovered after a maintenance worker requested a wellness check, after seeing the pair unresponsive in their home. Initial reports indicated no external signs of foul play, but the cause of their deaths remained unclear until the press confrence this evening.

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Source: Mirror


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