Peter Andre and wife Emily’s baby bombshell as they issue 5-word statement

Peter Andre and his wife Emily are adoring parents to their children – eight-month-old Arabella, Millie, 10, and Theo, eight and Peter’s two children from his previous marriage, Princess, 17, and Junior, 19. It’s clear that the couple, who celebrate their 110th wrdding anniversary next year, adore their parenting journey, and as they tell OK!, they love nothing better than snuggling up on the sofa on masse to watch a movie together.
But, as little Arabella turns one in April, have their thoughts turned to having any more kids in the future? Their answer could not be more clear. “Hell no! This is it!”, exclaims Peter in faux horror, as he adds, laughing, “I always said I’d never be 50 and changing nappies, and yet here I am. But I’m done – we both are..”

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Mum-of-three Emily, as much as she admits she’s been loving her maternity leave with baby Belle, is equally adamant on the subject. “That’s a categorical no from me! I love them all so much, but I already feel I don’t have enough time for each one individually. I’m getting rid of baby things now. That’s how I know I’m done – I didn’t do that after having Theo. Facebook Marketplace is my friend!”
And it seems the couple are already thinking of a future in which the. kids are bigger and they can have some adventures together, just the two of them. Peter says: ” Ems and I have talked and we want to travel a bit when the kids get older – and maybe one of our children will give us grandchildren. We’re happy!”
Peter may well had previously said he never wanted to be changing nappies into his fifties, but here he is at 51, changing, well, more than a few of them – and getting stuck into all aspects of dad life with a newborn again. And as the husband and wife team reveal, they are enjoying every moment of this precious first year of Arabella’s life – as have the kids.

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“They’re all very close, but Bista [Princess] is super close with Millie and really helpful with the baby, while Junior has a lovely connection with Theo”, says Peter. “Ems and I aren’t “party parents” – we love being at home, cooking and hanging out with the kids. I’m more driven than ever with work, but I feel parent guilt like never before. Then I think, I’m doing this for their future as well, and I feel better again!
And Emily clearly adores how much the youngest two still fuss over their baby sister, adding: “I thought the novelty would wear off with Millie and Theo, but it hasn’t. They fight over who can hold Belle. Their little faces when I pick them up from school with her… It’s another thing to argue over! It’s very cute.”