Peter Andre’s opens the door to his home at Christmas and plans with wife Emily and all five kids

Christmas at the Andre household is sure to be a busy one with all five of Peter’s children at home. Getting everyone together is just what the singer and actor, 51, needs after a hectic year travelling around the world for work. And it’ll be the first Christmas with baby Belle, who he and wife Emily, 35, had in April.
“We’ll all be together,” smiles Peter, who also has Millie, 10, and Theo, eight, with Emily – and Princess, 17, and Junior, 19, from his previous marriage. “Belle will be nearly nine months old by Christmas Day. She’s sitting up and has just sprouted her first tooth. She’s constantly saying, ‘Dada!’ Us dads think it’s because we’re cool but Emily tells me that’s always the word they say first. This is the first time I’ve had so much time off to spend with one of my children before work took back over – it’s been so special.”

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Speaking to our sister title OK! magazine from their Surrey mansion, Peter and NHS doctor Emily insist that despite their success they make sure they keep their children grounded. “They’ve written their lists for Santa but we don’t do anything extravagant,” explains Peter. We try to teach them the value of everything, like, ‘This pair of trainers you want? I have to work for this many hours to earn the money for them’ and they’re like, ‘Oh, really?!’ They’re very sweet and so grateful for everything.”
Asked if they plan to add to their brood, Peter replied: “Hell no! This is it! I always said I’d never be 50 and changing nappies and yet here I am. “But I’m done – we both are. Ems and I want to travel a bit when the kids get older and maybe one of our children will give us grandchildren. We’re happy.” Emily agrees: “I love them all so much but I already feel I don’t have enough time for each one individually. I’m getting rid of baby things now. That’s how I know I’m done – I didn’t do that after Theo.”
But after a whirlwind 2024, things promise to be just as busy in 2025. As well as gigs around the globe, Peter has done a film and TV series. “I’ve just got back from a gig in India,” he explains. “I’ve also been filming a drama set in Cyprus, Athens, England and New Zealand. I’ve been all over the place so Emily’s had to do a lot of Christmas prep alone. It’s a 10-part murder mystery on international release so you’ll be able to watch it next summer. It’s very exciting. I’m headlining the New Year’s Day Parade in London, then I head out on tour with The Best Of Frankie Valli And The Four Seasons. My first feature film comes out next spring, too.”
The couple are also hoping to do a family podcast. “We did a little teaser and people loved it,” says Peter. “The kids’ different personalities really come out and it’s something even Belle can be involved in! Ems and I aren’t ‘party parents’ – we love being at home, cooking and hanging out with the kids. I’m more driven than ever with work, but I feel parent guilt like never before. Then I think, I’m doing this for their future as well, and I feel better again!”

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While he has been away, Emily has held the fort at home but has taken it all in her stride. “I’ve loved it,” says Emily of maternity leave. “My job is full-on, so it’s rare to get this time at home. Millie and Theo are enjoying having me around and it’s the simple things I don’t always get to do, like pick them up from school, sports days. It’s busy but Belle’s such a good girl – she sleeps through, and wakes up just before 8am every morning.”
Next year will see some big anniversaries: Peter and Emily’s 10th wedding anniversary and his folks’ platinum. “My parents are going to be married 70 years next year so we’ve got a way to go,” jokes Peter.
Next year is also 30 years since his hit Mysterious Girl and that iconic video which saw him dancing on a beach ripped and topless. And he is releasing his first album since 2015. “I’m reimagining some of the songs and throwing in a few new ones,” he says. “I might get some old friends to help me with it, that’s all I can say! I was 22 when I released that song and I’ll be 52 next year. It’s crazy. I filmed the video in Thailand where they filmed The Beach with Leonardo DiCaprio. It would be nice to go back next year, but honestly, I don’t think we’ll have time.”
Something else Peter is keen to bring back is his washboard abs. “I’m always training, I’m in shape but not as ripped!” he laughs. “I have abs, they’re just hibernating. I probably will do that, just for fun, for when Mysterious Girl is 30 years old.”
Read the full interview in OK! magazine, out Tuesday.
Peter Andre is in The Best Of Frankie Valli And The Four Seasons, on tour around the UK from 14 January. Tickets are available from
Source: Mirror
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