Vernon Kay rages at ‘stressful’ problem at home that’s giving him ‘grief’

After struggling with a single task, Vernon Kay has opened up about “grief” at home in an on-air rant.
The TV star vented his frustration with printers and the ongoing problems they cause at home on his BBC Radio 2 midday show.
He said: “From experience in our house, it’s the only piece of modern technology, and I’m including the kettle and the toaster and the fryer, it’s the one piece that causes you the most grief. They’re a nightmare printers, they really are. We’ve got one, I went for the basic [one] where you’re online and you can allegedly print from your Wi-Fi… doesn’t work.
“If you email it, [it] doesn’t work. Paper jam, still exists. How in 2024 is a paper jam still a thing? ! Be honest and we must resume some sort of technology program. ‘Don’t use this, it’s garbage, get this one’. You know what I mean? Be clear about the difficulties of technology. “
Vernon also recalled his shopping experience, saying: “When I went and bought it there were so many printers on offer, they did so many things. It’s like, ‘Listen, all I need to do is to help my kids print off their homework, that’s all it is, I don’t want this, that and the other’. “
After receiving a flood of messages from listeners sharing their own printer horror stories, Vernon added: “Oh, they’re a nightmare. I’m glad I’m not the only one though because it causes a lot of stress on a Sunday, because that’s when we do the majority of homework… my work. “
When a fan shared their frustration over printer woes, leaving them in tears, he sympathised: “I feel you, it’s a nightmare, it’s so difficult. “
With his wife Tess Daly and their two daughters, Vernon shares a six-bedroom Buckinghamshire home. Phoebe, 20, and Amber, 15. On his radio program, which recently included a humorous confession, the devoted father and son frequently share snippets of their family life.

The 50-year-old presenter playfully berated his family for not letting him fulfil his dream of having ‘a chickenarium’ at their home.
He revealed: “It’s funny isn’t it, when your kids ask, ‘Can we have a hamster, can we a goldfish, can we have a gerbil? ‘. You’re like, ‘Yeah, no problem as long as you look after it, you’ll be fine’. “
“But when I want a chicken, not a chance, it’s not fair! They’ve got ponies and all sorts. But, I want a chicken, and I can’t have a chicken. Going down to the garden, pulling the eggs out, and saying, “Look what we’ve got,” has a romantic quality. “
“I’ve been desperate for a chickenarium, but they won’t let me have one. “
Determined to have his way, he added: “Right, when I go home tonight, I’m going to tell the gang that we’re having a chickenarium. And they’ll go, ‘What’s one of them? ‘, and I’ll be like, ‘Just you wait and see’. “
Source: Mirror
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