Six personnel killed in attack on Somali border: Kenyan police

After suspected Somaliai al-Shabab fighters attacked a police station in Kenya, at least six police officers were killed and four were hurt.
The attack was carried out in Garissa County, eastern Kenya, on the Somalia-to-Southeast of Kenya, according to a report released on Sunday.
According to the report, attackers “used various weapons to overrun the camp,” starting at dawn, and launched an assault on a camp that housed police reservists.
Four people were injured, six fatalities, and four were hospitalized, according to the statement.
Al-Shabab frequently engages in cross-border operations against both military and civilian targets, despite not making any comment on the attack.
The attacks come a week after the United States embassy issued an advisory warning to visitors to some areas of Kenya, including Garissa County, along the Somalia-to-Kainah border, because they fear an attack might occur.
Al-Shabab, which has ties to al-Qaeda, has been fighting for years to overthrow Somalia’s ruling elite and establish its own rule of law based on how it interprets Islamic Sharia law.
Al-Shabab made the most recent attack on Tuesday, just before Somalia’s presidential palace’s roadside bomb went off.
According to UN deputy spokesman Farhan Haq, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres reaffirmed the UN’s support for Somalia’s people and government in their fight against terrorism and in their efforts to achieve peace and stability.
The British Embassy in Mogadishu, the country’s capital, also criticized the attack and reiterated its support for Somalia’s counterterrorism efforts.
The UK will continue to support the Somali government in their fight against the violent extremists behind this abhorrent attack, according to a statement from the embassy.
Source: Aljazeera
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