Greta Thunberg on Gaza: “This has shown the true colours of the world”

Greta Thunberg, a well-known activist and environmentalist, is the subject of Marc Lamont Hill’s conversation.
Environmentalists are criticizing the inaction of world leaders as floods, wildfires, and other natural disasters that have caused the climate crisis continue to wreak havoc on the planet. And with the world getting closer to more and more climate-tipping points, real policy is absolutely necessary to prevent climate catastrophe.
What’s the reason for failing to address what scientists and environmentalists perceive as an existential threat to Earth’s way of life? Are things about to get worse now that Donald Trump has come back to power in Washington?
Marc Lamont Hill discusses the current climate crisis and what can be expected to do in the coming years with Greta Thunberg, a well-known activist and environmentalist.
Source: Aljazeera
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