Gerard Depardieu tells court he’s ‘too old and fat’ to be guilty of sex assault claims

Gérard Depardieu has refuted claims that he sexually assaulted women, insisting that he is too fat and over the top to carry out the alleged assault.
Gerard Depardieu yesterday told a court he was too old and fat to sexually assault women. The French film actor is on trial accused of attacking two colleagues. He denies groping a 54-year-old set designer and a 34-year-old assistant producer on the set of The Green Shutters in 2021.
Depardieu told the court: “I’m not going to have fun at 76, or at 130 kilos [20.4 stone]. I’m unhappy enough. I’m not going to touch anyone’s butt, not on a set or anywhere else.” He added: “After what I’ve read about myself over the past three years, there’s no need to interpret.
People call me a real creep, they say. There was no physical contact, he claimed, adding that he had no memory of touching the designer.
He claimed, however, that he may have snuck her hips into avoid falling. The actor responded, “I would never put anything between my thighs,” when it was pointed out that a witness claimed she saw Depardieu pin the set designer between his thighs.
I can’t put anything between my thighs because of my belly. When Depardieu verbally abused her and grabbed intimate parts of her body, the set designer said it felt like a “wolf trap.” She claimed that the assaults weren’t worse because security guards prevented her from leaving.
Depardieu later apologized for speaking impolitely to the set designer. There are vulgarity and rudeness, he said. Just for fun, I use the word “p***y.” I occasionally confide in myself.
Depardieu grabbed her buttocks and breasts three times, according to the assistant producer.
He acknowledged being embarrassed by the accusations and continued, “I provoke and push people around.” I don’t want to make anyone cry, but it’s rude to provoke.
“I haven’t worked in three years.” I believe that the media is stealing everything. The #MeToo movement’s star, Cyrano de Bergerac, and The Last Metro also made the suggestion that he was being targeted by the actress, who reportedly said, “Feminist movements will become a terror.
Depardieu’s attorney claimed he had diabetes and a serious heart condition, and the case was adjourned in October. He faces a €75, 000 (£62, 000) fine and up to five years in prison if found guilty by the Paris court.
The trial has begun on Monday, and it is continuing. Although the verdict may not be withheld until later in the year, it is listed as two to three days. Later, Pardieu will go on trial for allegedly raping an actress.
Additionally, money laundering and tax fraud are being looked into.
Source: Mirror
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